WordPress agency JoeWP®

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WP Agency

JoeWP WordPress Agency

WP Websites & Webdesign

Our WordPress agency JoeWP® specializes in the CMS WordPress. We create websites for companies and organizations. We optimize your existing websites or carry out the relaunch. We are experts in WordPress maintenance and updates. Request our free initial consultation!

We have been WP specialists for 20 years!

We create websites exclusively with the CMS WordPress and support your company with both web design and marketing. WordPress web design is more than some nice pictures and some text. Successful corporate websites should not only look good, they must also function technically flawlessly, which means that they lead to more inquiries through higher visibility.

In our WordPress agency, special experts from project management and web development as well as copywriting (text creation) are involved in the WordPress projects. Our practice-oriented team works remotely and has many years of experience in the areas of website creation and WordPress web design as well as programming, SEO, WordPress performance optimization and online marketing.


Convert visitors into customers

Our expertise lies in building custom WordPress websites that are easy to manage and focused on content, performance and search engine ranking.

By focusing on speed and user experience, we offer our clients a clear competitive advantage in search and in converting visitors into customers.

Our websites are a reliable and easy-to-use marketing platform that helps our clients promote and grow their business. We also support individuals who need a bespoke website.

JoeWP WordPress Agency
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User friendly

More than just a great website design

Websites we build are user-friendly, allowing you to customize your content and optimize it to reach new customers. You need an easy to manage, fast, customizable and optimized website that you can edit without the need for a phone call.

Our team of WordPress professionals will design and build websites to fit your needs rather than limiting you to a pre-made design.

We also offer help in improving and managing existing WordPress websites to make them more efficient and performant.

Technical optimization

WordPress Performance

We attach great importance to the technical optimization of websites in order to successfully complete the page speed checks carried out by Google. There are no spells that make this possible and it’s an ongoing process, but it’s worth it.

We focus on making websites simple and avoiding too many scripts and files that reduce loading times. In addition, we use lean and optimized themes & designs whenever possible.

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JoeWP WordPress Agency

WordPress & Branding

Brand identity at a high level

An impressive web design that leaves a lasting impression is invaluable to your brand. It helps to strengthen your brand identity, underlines the high quality of your products or services, creates trust among your customers and thereby facilitates the sales process. Whether you need a content management system, an e-commerce platform or bespoke web development, our experienced development team is available to turn your web design straight into the perfect website for you.

web development

We program with code standards

An error-free display on all devices, user-friendly content management systems for independent content adjustments, fast loading times, the highest security standards and the possibility of adding additional functions and interfaces – all this requires true programming experts. Our experts are exactly the right contact persons for these requirements.

JoeWP WordPress & WooCommerce Agency
JoeWP WordPress & WooCommerce Agency

Project management

Organization of WP professionals

Project management plays an indispensable role, especially with demanding website projects, in order to efficiently coordinate the various areas and to adhere to schedules. Our web design agency not only boasts excellent communication and organizational skills, but also proactively and dedicatedly uses their expertise to ensure the success of your web design project.

Marketing & Strategies

Processes for top results

Our WordPress agency JoeWP is passionate about creating websites based on WordPress & WooCommerce. Thanks to our structured process, you will receive your individual online solution quickly and securely. Regardless of whether you want to rebuild a website, create a web shop, carry out a WordPress redesign or a relaunch, we will implement it professionally for you. Our experienced experts design your individual homepage and not only value perfect usability, but also a fully responsive web design with appropriate search engine optimization.

JoeWP WordPress & WooCommerce Agency

What else our WP agency offers

Our focus is solely on using WordPress. As a leading and modern content management system, WordPress has undergone an impressive development in recent years and we are actively involved. Our goal is to offer our customers tailor-made solutions, ranging from responsive websites with WordPress to extensive online shops with WooCommerce. With each developed website we reach a new level of our know-how. We rely on our own WordPress framework and develop a large number of individual plugins and interfaces to other systems.

Responsive web design

Our websites are specially optimized for mobile use and offer a responsive web design. Our focus is that our pages are not only superficially responsive, but really perfectly tailored to the needs of smartphone users. We adapt both the structure and individual components in such a way that user-friendly operation on mobile devices is guaranteed.

Integration Services

The integration of appropriate interfaces is one of our core competencies as a WordPress agency. We program and integrate interfaces that enable your system to interact with other programs and systems. It is particularly important to us to consistently adapt to your individual needs and requirements. Our competent team programs all required interfaces for your company.

Performance Optimization

Fast loading times are an absolute must for a successful ranking on Google and a positive user experience. We rely on efficient programming, technical refinements and a pinch of magic to guarantee lightning-fast loading times. This is how we lay the foundation for top rankings and satisfied visitors. Good performance with WordPress, like caching and hosting, always has a lot to do with competence and experience. With our extensive expertise in the field of performance optimization, we guarantee lightning-fast loading times for your website. Your website will load so quickly that you will no longer notice any visual delays.

Consulting & SEO

In addition to the optimal development for your individual requirements, we take care of scalable hosting, optimal support and continuous further development together with our partners. In addition, we also take care of your wishes in the area of search engine optimization (SEO) and various online marketing activities related to your entire WordPress project – regardless of whether it is a complete theme or a plugin. We advise you during the course of the project, support you in all matters and implement your individual project efficiently.

Typical project flow

concept & planning

A successful website requires careful planning. We advise you on all questions of user guidance, usability, responsive design, retWe would be happy to advise you on all questions of user guidance, usability, responsive design, retina support and target group orientation.


It doesn’t matter whether you opt for an individual design and a tailor-made implementation or want to start with a high-quality theme, we support you in finding the best possible solution for your needs.


With our (SEO) search engine optimization, we make your company visible on Google and Co. If these steps are neglected, your website will not achieve any ranking success.

Maintenance & Care

Once your website goes live, the work is not over. We provide you with numerous support and maintenance packages to offer you professional website support in the future.


Reliable and fast WordPress hosting is essential for a successful website or online shop. We advise you on the selection of the right provider and hoster.


Speed is a crucial factor on the web, whether for users or Google. In e-commerce, low loading times directly affect the purchase process and abandonment rates. We check and optimize your website.

The Best of WordPress & Premium Plugins

Our WordPress agency uses premium plugins and professional tools to ensure your website is safe and secure. A WordPress site is only as secure as the plugins used. Lots of free or outdated plugins make your website vulnerable to hacking and security issues. That’s why we invest in the best premium plugins and other third-party apps and make them available to you.

WP interfaces

Integrated with your favorite tools

Regardless of whether it is a marketing tool, a CRM, a DMS, a BMS or a PIM – by integrating an interface or API, external systems can also be smoothly connected to your website and data exchange is automated.

JoeWP WordPress Agency - Website Cost
WordPress agency JoeWP

website animations

Elements for great attention

An impressive effect is achieved on your website through the use of animated elements and micro-interactions. Both subtle and eye-catching animations combined with micro-interactions add finishing touches to web design, improve usability and create a special charm. This keeps the website in mind and makes it fun to use.

We keep things simple and manageable for you

WordPress should be easy for you to use

While WordPress is undoubtedly a great platform, it can sometimes be difficult for developers to overcomplicate it unnecessarily. However, we have found that many of our clients have problems with their websites, often because they are over-developed.

Therefore, our goal is to keep things as simple as possible. We use premium plugins to enhance functionality, but we don’t go beyond the standard WordPress setup, which is sufficient for most websites.

We also believe in transparency and openness. We make sure everything we do is accessible to our clients so they can effectively manage their websites.

Reasons for your WP agency JoeWP

Why is this WordPress agency the right choice for WordPress websites and WooCommerce shops?

We offer you a comprehensive service with website creation, website maintenance, website maintenance, construction and development of WooCommerce shops from a single source. We are a WordPress agency that has specialized in the CMS WordPress out of conviction. We have been working with the CMS since the infancy of WordPress in 2003. 20 years of experience with WordPress is an incredible potential that you can use with us. We work professionally and reliably with you.

We plan your project with passion as if it were our own. In doing so, we coordinate the scope of our services in advance to suit your budget. You only entrust us with the work that you need for your Internet presence. In this way we avoid unforeseen costs and your website and / or your WooCommerce shop becomes exactly the Internet presence that perfectly suits your business.

Why the WP agency JoeWP

5 reasons why our customers love us.

JoeWP WordPress Agency


Professionally created websites are a big challenge on the Internet. Technology and design must fit, including optimization for mobile devices. This requires a high level of quality management. With us you will achieve this goal.


Our solutions are individually tailored to each customer, so that your corporate identity is also secured with your Internet presence. We cannot serve you with products from the homepage construction set.


We are one of the pioneers of WordPress in 2003. Our long experience makes us a professional WordPress expert. Experienced employees look after your project from start to completion and beyond.


Websites and WooCommerce shops from us are absolutely good investments. They are fast, beautiful to look at and highly functional – even after years.


We think with you. We look for and find the optimal solution for your project. We advise and propose. Benefit from our creative ideas!

WordPress Performance

Performance and loading time of the website are not (anymore) sufficient for good results on Google?

Our WordPress agency attaches great importance to the performance of a website. The loading time of your website is essential for a good ranking in the search results on Google. We specialize in optimizing your website. We make sure that your website has a loading time of one second or less.

According to Pingdom, our own WordPress agency JoeWP website loads in 0.3 seconds and achieves a “score of 100” in the Google Lighthouse analysis tool in all areas such as performance, accessibility, best practices, SEO and progressive web app. We can also do this for your website under certain conditions. We also offer these services for agencies that cannot implement this goal due to a lack of know-how. Check out our other tips on our WordPress Performance page.

You want to contact our WordPress agency right now!

Tell us about your project!