WordPress & WooCommerce Agency

JoeWP WordPress Agentur - WordPress Informationsstruktur

Post Types and Taxonomies – Structure in WordPress

WordPress has a wide range of uses – from personal blogs to large corporate websites for projects of all sizes. The basis for complex CMS requirements is the information structure, which is implemented in WordPress using post types and taxonomies, among other things.

JoeWP WordPress Agentur - WordPress Version 6.4

WordPress Update 6.4 “Shirley” – New Features 2023

WordPress 6.4 “Shirley” is now available for download and installation. This release is named after legendary jazz singer Shirley Horn, who was known for her expressive voice and impeccable timing. WordPress 6.4 brings several improvements and new features to the world’s most popular content management system. Here are some of the highlights.

Google Analytics 4

Switch to Google Analytics 4

What is the new Google Analytics 4 (GA4) property? On July 1, 2023, Google will say goodbye to “Universal Analytics”. This forces users to switch to the new “Google Analytics 4” version. We’ll show you the reasons why you should switch as soon as possible and what you need to look out for when switching.

JoeWP - What is FTP

What is FTP – simply explained in 4 steps

Many WordPress users know how to administer WordPress, but don’t know how to FTP files to WordPress or edit them on the server. FTP allows you to connect directly to the files on your web space where your WordPress site is stored. We explain how this works.

JoeWP WordPress Agency - Open Graph Tags

Open Graph Meta Tags 2022 – Overview and Tips

Open Graph is an important social media marketing tool: Webmasters can use it to define exactly what the respective preview should look like. Open Graph is an Internet Protocol and was developed by Facebook. Other social platforms such as Twitter are now also using it.

JoeWP Maintenance Mode

Activate WordPress maintenance mode

Reasons to activate the WordPress maintenance mode can be a redesign of your website or the reprogramming of your website? To ensure that your visitors do not see the associated ongoing changes, we recommend activating the maintenance mode.

JoeWP WP Agentur - Jitsi Server

Jitsi Meet Server Installation

Jitsi Meet is currently a very popular tool for online video conferences, especially when it comes to security and data protection. With the installation of the open source software, you can install your own Jitsi Meet Server with a little experience. We explain how it works here.

JoeWP WP agency - Jitsi data protection

Jitsi Meet data protection

Jitsi Meet attaches great importance to security and data protection. The open source project can be used as a data protection-friendly solution with its own server and corresponding adjustments and some configurations.

JoeWP - WordPress Agency - Google Analytics

Embed Google Analytics in WordPress

In this tutorial we want to show you how you can integrate Google Analytics in WordPress. The software can give you valuable information about the functions of your website and you can make informed decisions about possible improvements and optimizations based on the data evaluations.