Disable WP-Cron for faster load times in WordPress
A cron job is a recurring task that is automated. For certain tasks, a pseudo-cron system is integrated in WordPress. Using a real cronjob to automate WordPress has many advantages.
A cron job is a recurring task that is automated. For certain tasks, a pseudo-cron system is integrated in WordPress. Using a real cronjob to automate WordPress has many advantages.
In the last few weeks at the end of February 2019, Google made a number of changes to Search Console. Most of these changes have little impact on users. Here are some of the implications of Google Search Console for users who use online stores.
Progressive Web Apps – PWA. Most likely you’ve used it before. PWA is a term that is currently a big topic among app developers. However, it is often difficult for users on the Internet to understand exactly how these apps work.
If you adhere to the four most important things about IT security, you hardly have to worry anymore! Hacker attack, virus, ransomware, worm. If you adhere to these four simple rules, as a company or privately you are armed against almost all IT attacks.
The latest version of Gutenberg can be downloaded from the WordPress repository. It can also be installed in the plugin directory on the “Add plugin” page of the WordPress dashboard.
Firewall Block Bad Queries (BBQ) BBQ ist eine superschnelle Firewall, die WordPress automatisch vor Versuchen schützt, Schadcode über URL-Aufrufe auszuführen. Das Plugin ist einfach zu installieren und erfordert in der Grundinstallation