WordPress Gutenberg Editor
The latest version of Gutenberg can be downloaded from the WordPress repository. It can also be installed in the plugin directory on the “Add plugin” page of the WordPress dashboard.
The latest version of Gutenberg can be downloaded from the WordPress repository. It can also be installed in the plugin directory on the “Add plugin” page of the WordPress dashboard.
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Search Engine Optimization Error: Your Website Is Not Found On Google? You have no idea why that is?
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been binding in force since May 25, 2018. Since then, a few things have to be observed to protect personal data. In particular, on websites that offer the option of contacting us through a corresponding contact form, adjustments must be made for the GDPR.
Firewall Block Bad Queries (BBQ) BBQ ist eine superschnelle Firewall, die WordPress automatisch vor Versuchen schützt, Schadcode über URL-Aufrufe auszuführen. Das Plugin ist einfach zu installieren und erfordert in der Grundinstallation