Joe WP WordPress Agency - Google Search Console Error Products

Product errors Google Search Console

Many operators of online shops and users of WooCommerce shops are currently very unsettled in dealing with the reports on product improvements on the search engine Google. To determine if the structured data for your products is captured correctly, Google Search Console is mostly used.

JoeWP WordPress Agency - delete related products from WooCommerce

WooCommerce – Remove related products

I’ll show you how to remove similar products from the WooCommerce product page without using a plugin. Only one line of code is required. The fewer plugins you use, the better the performance of your website!

JoeWP WordPress Agency - WordPress Requirements

WordPress Hosting Requirements

The year is 2021. The technology on the Internet is getting more complicated and extensive. Users are demanding more and more powerful websites and developers are writing more and more comprehensive software. However, all of this also requires strong demands on the performance of the integrated systems, such as hardware and software components.

JoeWP WordPress Agency - Google Search Console

Fix Google Search Console error

In the last few weeks at the end of February 2019, Google made a number of changes to Search Console. Most of these changes have little impact on users. Here are some of the implications of Google Search Console for users who use online stores.