WordPress security module
1.190,00 € excl. VAT
The WordPress Security module includes a number of basic security adjustments for more security during the ongoing operation of a WordPress website.
This includes the installation and configuration of security software as well as the adjustments to configuration files and databases.
We check the security of passwords and usernames, their release notes or debugging information.
If necessary, these are adapted and deactivated in order to close security gaps and minimize the risk of hacker attacks.
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WordPress security module
The security of a WordPress website is an extremely important criterion for the sustainable success of a professional internet presence. If a website is hacked, this often leads not only to considerable data loss but also to the manipulation of content. In most cases, unnoticed malware is installed on the website. This leads to considerable economic damage due to loss of sales and high restoration costs. For companies, this is accompanied by a considerable loss of image. WordPress is already pretty secure by default. However, due to its widespread use, WordPress is also a frequent target of hacker attacks and malware. This is especially the case when many plugins are used by third-party developers. With our WordPress Security module, the risk of damage to the system is significantly minimized and WordPress is made more secure. In addition to the installation and configuration of security software, the package also includes many manual adjustments to the system, the WordPress installation and the server configuration.
Requirements for the WordPress Security module
- Existing WordPress installation (e.g. WordPress Start package)
- Minimum technical requirements and current WordPress requirements should be met
Process and implementation
- Introductory pre-call (telephony, remote maintenance Skype)
- Secure transmission of all necessary access data
- Implementation of security adjustments
- Transmission of documentation (adjustments, access data, important changes)
- Instruction in new safety functions
If all necessary requirements can be met by the customer at the start of the project, the implementation takes place within 7 days after the order confirmation.
If you have further questions about the product, procedure and scope of services, our WordPress support is always available.
Specifications WordPress Security Module:
- Installation and setup of the Wordfence security plugin
- Verifying the password strength of the Admin user accounts (important security factor)
- Control and adjustment of file and directory permissions and user permissions on the web server
- Firewall integration for WordPress (software)
- Activation of SSL / TLS encryption with integration and adaptation of the database
- Renamed the WordPress content directory “wp-content” for more script security
- Manual adjustments to the configuration file “wp-config.php” for more security
- Customize the file permissions for wp-config.php and .htaccess
- Activation for encrypted login force
- Deactivation of login error messages
- Disable WordPress debugging
- Deactivation backend editor
- Remove the WordPress version number
- Adaptation of the database prefix
- SMTPs for secure e-mail traffic instead of the internal phpmail ()-function
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